
D e d i c a t e d   t o   t h e   p r e t t i e s t   o n e
• Kicking through some sound that the wind had blown up on our fence. The wind never stops here. Liking it - the way it fell together.   The Bot started to hit a good vein then too. Just ran in the background on random. Very 
slowly.   Some of the sounds had to be cooked for awhile.
• After a while we figured out what it would look like. Had to set up the Loom again. Started weaving on a Monday night and by the end of the month had about 30 yards or so. Gave it to Mole for structuring. It still needed a bit of 
sanding - used the hand grinder on this batch. Sparks and noise. Then a coat of molten glass. ‘Couple of taps with a ball peen hammer and Bob’s your unkle.
• Having come all this way - we suppose you are hungry for details. Awlright. The wind against plastic looking palmfronds on a 60 foot palm tree. The crow with the white feathers that we call "The Old White One" now gone these 5 years.
• The chalk paintings by Juno & Lindsay. The most excellent version of the argument in the studio between Buddy Judge and Curt Anderson about the relative merits of Analog Vs. Digital media. The smoke curling by the monitor in 
the sunlight.
• Rows of doll’s faces staring back at us. The Tattoo on our leg. Muttering broken spanglish at the help. Leaf blowers roaring drones beating against eachother. Waiting and Waiting and Waiting for the renders to finish on multiple 
stations timing all simultaneously on a stopwatch while reading abnormal psychology textbook from the 80’s. Dull but sincere filler.
• Staring & Staring at the sky. The playback amp is broken but STILL not broken enough to replace yet - just know that bone grating hiss won’t be there when the clip is played. Endless joy of finding and discarding - boundless sticky wall 
that stuff gets thrown at.
• Neohobbyist meetings the air thick with smoke as hooded forms leap across the fire. The smell of flux burning on the alter of a broken dream. Remnants of professional life adorn even the smallest surface - color coded meta-charts 
of perilous data configurations un-thrown out. Sadly fade.
• So many undone actions - caught in amber outside the light cone - the futuristic life promised by the avocado wind. The endless airplane ride in the sky. So many names. Textured like hot marker colors melting into eachother. Lick here! • You may be one of the lucky 25!
• Can you wonder that this is such a piece of resistance? Newjack can find the time - he’s a timetraveller - but - his studio doesn't play back - it just records. 
Finally, it looks like Newjack, Nguyen, Proxi & Sure-Grip™ are ready to set sail! The Permanent Record accepted them as crew - but not without some recursive time travel shenanigans by Oldejack - Newjack's more optimistic (and obviously successful) future self.
Things are looking good - videos going up on ye web, the second chapter of the.. uh.. graphic novel thingie is being printed. The Podcast is being difficult - Newjack's voice seems to be... deteriorating. sad but true. Stiil, this podcast should be pretty hilarious - if you like that kind of thing.
The next thing Newjack wants is to do a shout out to the ever increasing list of people and organizations who have come to his aid! For now - this will have to suffice.

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